Did you know that hugs are pleasure stimulators?

In this blog I want to vindicate the sensuality of hugs and their importance in our erotic life.
It is curious that when we think of a hug, most people relate it to something tender, romantic or fraternal, but I assure you that they have a lot of erotic, sensual, sensation-generating and, most importantly, PLEASURE stimulating power.
The Kamasutra already explained the importance of hugging in sexuality and science has proven that when we hug we release oxytocin, which is the hormone that disposes the body to an erotic stimulus (popularly known as the hormone of love) in addition to promoting the segregation of serotonin and dopamine, enhancers of well-being and pleasure.
It is clear that every couple is different and tastes cannot be generalized, but we can talk about the universal language in the themes of love and attraction: the language of hugs.
Try one of these with your partner:
– The embrace of contact: it is about looking for any pretext to find the rubbing, the provocation and start with the preliminaries.
– The pressure hug: hug your partner very tightly, pull his or her body towards you and take the opportunity to kiss and caress your bodies passionately.
– Jataveshitaka – the vine hug: ideal when you are naked. Standing facing each other, hug your partner around the waist and wrap one of your legs around their thigh. Place your hands on the back of his neck so you can be kissed passionately.
You’re probably ready for bed by now!

And if you want to continue cuddling while having sex, try one of these positions:
Passion cookie: on your knees, facing each other, lift one leg each, placing your foot on the floor. The penetration is very pleasurable and your arms are free to embrace with strength and passion, look into each other’s eyes and kiss each other.
This posture has variants, such as the lotus flower: the man sits cross-legged on the bed and the woman straddles him. He directs the movement with his hands.
If your guy has a lot of strength, you can try the air force position : standing facing each other. The woman firmly embraces her partner with her legs and he holds her buttocks and back. You don’t need to be gymnasts, but you must take into account the strength and weight of both of you. You can lean your partner’s back against the wall for stability.
If the woman wants to be in control, climb on top of him when he is sitting and put your arms around his neck. All yours…
There are other positions that encourage passionate embraces even if we are not facing each other, for example the magic mountain: the woman on her stomach and the man on top of her. To elevate the position, you can place a pillow under the hips. While he penetrates her, he should place his arms under the woman’s chest and he will take control of the movements.

What about hugging after sex?
It gives us more information than it seems. If after an occasional sexual encounter you have wanted to hug a guy and he has refused or you are the one who refuses or directly you both get up and get dressed, nothing happens, it is a reaction that happens often, but if you are with your stable partner and after sex, he gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom alone, does not allow the hug or turns away without saying a word? friend, you should be worried!

Hugs go beyond words. They are bridges of emotional connection that unite bodies, hearts and minds.
In conclusion, it is a powerful tool that can improve our sex life and our overall well-being. Never underestimate the power of a hug.