Are you thinking of opening your mind and trying new experiences with partner exchange?
Until a few years ago talking about open relationships, swingers or swingers was something reserved for a minority but fortunately sexuality has changed a lot, to the point that we can now buy vibrators even in the supermarket. This normality makes that the premises dedicated to liberal couples are booming, offering multiple possibilities for open and curious minds who want to experiment.
If you’ve been wondering what you might find and how this might affect your relationship, I give you the keys.

The first and most important thing is to agree on the limits. The fact that we have fantasies does not mean that we necessarily have to put them into practice, that is why it is essential to talk about it and agree on how far we want to go. Let’s be realistic. Can you imagine your partner kissing someone else? How do you think you would react? It is important to know before venturing into the liberal world and above all to be clear about the limits of each one.
There are different variants, it can be a threesome, couple exchange, group sex, just caresses, watch or let yourself be watched while having a sexual encounter and each couple decides how far they want to go, so it must be previously discussed and should only be done if both agree to try it and respect the established limits.
If you have it clear, there are some environments with a wider level of sexual freedom, with different ways to enjoy sensuality and sexuality, I am referring to swingers clubs.

In this type of places there is a general rule of respect, always trying not to bother anyone, respecting the limits that each person wants to mark and thus be able to explore in a calm way.
It is important to define how it will take place. You can start by going without having any sexual encounter to see what things can make your partner feel comfortable, what are more exciting or what are those red lines that you prefer not to cross, as well as paying attention to your own eroticism, that is, paying attention to what turns you on more, whether to look or to be looked at, if you would like to try with someone of the same or the other sex or if you prefer a partner exchange.
Although each couple establishes its own rules, there are basic principles for everyone in these premises:
1. No is No. Freedom is one of the most important premises, so if someone makes a gesture rejecting a proposal, you should accept it willingly and not insist.
2. Your own pleasure is as important as that of others and fun is the goal, so don’t try to impose your personality or opinions.
3. Cleanliness is part of education, so in these scenarios it is essential to take great care of personal hygiene.
4. Condoms and other protective measures are mandatory.
5. Sexual practice can be stopped at any time if either party is not comfortable or feels uncomfortable.
6. Maximum respect for other people’s rules and limits as well as our own.

You should know that swinging and the liberal world is not suitable for all couples and according to some specialists there is a risk of breakup, so it is only recommended for those couples whose members are very self-confident and confident with their relationship.
My advice is to start slowly, trying for example an erotic massage like the ones we offer at Sense Experience, where although sex is not practiced, you can experience the sensation of feeling or seeing what your partner feels being touched by another person. You can choose the erotic charge you want, one or two masseuses and if after the session you are not sure you want to venture into the liberal world, with our massages at least you will have enjoyed an unforgettable and extremely pleasurable experience. It is a real test of fire, do you dare to try it?